
Why do I call myself Choc? Because I am a Choco-holic who will never says No to Chocolates! But of coz priority changes when we are at different stage, now i am more into Raphael & Gabriel!! hahaa.. my 2 Precious SONS!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Gabriel's Bobux Shoes!!!

Hehehee....this will be the cheapest 2 pairs of shoes i had purchased inclusive of registered mail!!!!!!

Make a guess.. how much ;P

HAENIM Big Block

Daddy should i get this big blocks for the kids????

not expensive... but wondering any space bo...shld have right?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Merry Xmas!!!

2011 is a great year to end with, with the extra $$, I am more willing to buy more things and of coz splurge more on kids and also this year I bought presents for the gatherings!!!

If u see the gifts i bought this year u will know...something is different... the smile from the kids are worth all the $$ spent!!

Well done!!!! To a happy 2012!!!!

This is for Yvette and Raphael!

This is Our 2011 Xmas tree with the gifts!!

May Toddlers' Gathering Gift Xchange!!!

Phay Famly Gift Exchange!!!

Toy Car for Ian and Gabriel!!!

My Xmas Present!!!!

Seeing the kids using the stuffs I bought... SWEET!

22-Dec Gabriel's Fell Down....

Gabriel had a bad fall while learning how to perform stunts and tried to stand up while holding the dining chair...had 2 big blister on his lips and believed was a bad cut and fall lar...

He is now super active and love to crawl around and then try to stand up and cruise...

NVm..he will learn, and we have play yards to "caged" him... yeah!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Iherbs Spree

Aiya...I didnt really planned to buy from Iherbs so soon... but my fren Mary....asking me to help her to order coz her order didnt get thru.... then end up I went to place order first...coz she had to wait for her fren to give her the order list...

TA DAAA!!! i spend $120usd alone on baby food(puffs, yogurt melts...cereal), bottle cleaner and some Babyganics products and also Ovaltine!! hahahaaa...

This is sure crazy!!