Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Week 30, Packing and Packing
We did something which we had been delaying and putting off for many many weeks...
This weekend, I finally took out all the old clothings and started to sort and discard away those which are yellowish and I will not let the newborn wear...Which was ALOT to throw!!
Finally alot of new spaces at home.. Also managed to clean up my own personal clothings... (somehow weird thing is i still cannot locate my maternity shorts and the white cardigan...si bei weird)... and what happen to that Health booklet?? (Scratch head)
Anyway... sorted out alot of clothings from newborn to those raphael outgrown...its alot..
Look at the stack of bibs and ben commented.. "do u think ur son drool alot???" ...errrm...to that i have no answers to it...
Looking at my stacks of BRAND new hanky, blankets and receiving blankets...I can only say... HENG AH...got 2nd one...else wasted...
Ben help me stack up these nicely in storeroom...Got this during Robinson sale and 5+5% rebate!! Of coz..some are brand new from Raphael =X

Crocs/Pediped Spree!!!

Dont ask me why or how come am I buying shoes for Raphael liao... ahhahaa.... please give up the idea of asking me to save up... Sometimes when it comes to Raphael... I always am generous...be it on clothings, shoes, bags, toys...books...anything..as long as related to him.... Money is never an issue...coz i can scrimp and save on my end and splurge on him... hehee...
Its a very serious bad habit and I know it.. But... when u have someone so darling and so precious..I guess, its NORMAL!!... Yeah..this morning went to the SMH Spree section and got hooked on Pediped sale..its so cheap... USD18 nia!!! for that pair so i decided to get one since I can get 2 size bigger =)
Then next come to Crocs...there is a storewide 25% off and this yellow crocs is cheap and got SIZE!! hahaaa.... no reasons not to buy especially he need shoes right?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Old Navy Spree For Phael
Its the time of the year and I am in the mood for shopping for Xmas and also CNY clothing for phael phael... yeah... anyway... u may question me... don't i have mood every single day to shop...? well well.. yes lar ,.....
Below are all below USD$10...
Mickey Top is $8.50, whereas the jeans is $10! What a STEAL!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Week 29 - Gynae visit on 20-Nov
This week I find that my stomach is getting bigger and heavier and the weight on my bladder is causing me to go toilet more frequently.. there is this constant urge to pee
Then I can feel him kicking me actively in the morning and during work when i was about to doze off..
At times I can feel the whole stomach "shivering" away... Something to note is my belly button seems to be overstretch...
Raphael always laughing at my belly button when he see it look so out of shape!!
Oh ya,...went to the Gynae on 20th Nov, Sat, I am weighing at 74.1kg!! OH SHIT! I put on around 4++++kg within past 5 weeks!!!!
The baby is now weighing at 1.45kg as @ 29weeks... I got to watch my diet liao...as Ah Kek started to ask me..."did u drink alot of milk, did u eat alot of rice, noodles, carbo?".... luckily my blood pressure and my urine test pass...else...DIE!!!
I am going to be a BIG FAT elephant liao
Friday, November 12, 2010
Disney PJ Spree for Raphael!!!
Hmm... luckily i saw this spree for disney pjyamas and quickly placed an order instead of ordering from BP those GAP Sleepwear...
The quality from disney US Spree is confirmed+chopped better so thus the higher charges.. but very value for money if its worn on darling Raphael mah... =D
Particularly like the 4th one, the one which have Pluto and MM and looks so Xmas ya...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Raphael growing up!!
Raphael is sooo sensible... Last night was having runny nose and keep sneezing away and resort to putting tissue paper into my nose... When Raphael saw me doing that he says "妈咪哭哭了,乖乖" and pat my head repeatedly!!!
Then when we went to kitchen to make milk, he saw my supplements and ask me "妈咪吃药了没有??"
Such a sweet boy who will remind me to take medicine!!!
At bedtime when we were resting and Raphael was busy watching Youtube advertisment, he told me "妈咪, 我很想要有这个 Thomas Train!!"
I was like.. HUh... who taught him all these? A wish is so much stronger than A Want!!
Still remember on our way back last evening, Raphael keep saying "我很想要吃 Curry pok!!"
End up we drove to Rivervale mall and got him 1 and not forgetting to buy some groceries...
Books Sprees For Raphael!!
Ordered the below 2 sets of books for Raphael (As usual I always give reasoning now that #2 is on the way, those stuffs I am buying now will benefit 2 child!! )
Yippie, they are reaching SG lor..thanks to Jgal!!
Titles in this set
Ted's shed
Toad makes a road
Shark in the park
Big pig on a dig
Goose on the loose
Mouse moves house
Sam sheep can't sleep
Fat cat on a mat
Fox on a box
Hen's Pens
Ted in a red bed
Frog on a log
Titles in this set
You're All My Favourites by Sam McBratney
We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen & Helen Oxenbury
Can't You Sleep, Little Bear? by Martin Waddell
Snow Bears by Martin Waddell & Sarah Fox-Davies
A Friend for Little Bear by Harry Horse
The Bravest Ever Bear by Allan Ahlberg & Paul Howard
Be Gentle! A Story About Playing Nicely by Virginia Miller
You Can Do It, Sam by Amy Hest & Anita Jeram
Hello, Goodbye by David Lloyd & Louise Voce
Where's My Teddy? by Jez Alborough
SMH Sprees!!!
Okok... Not that I am overspending or overindulging...Just that its time to spend some money to get some brand new rompers for the newborn who will be arriving soon...
Though he should have lots and lots of handdown clothing from the superb pampered Raphael Kor Kor... I feel he shld have a few sets of brand new clothings which are bought just for him...
Not a very expensive purchase but its the thoughts that count!!
Below are 2 packs I have selected... 1 consist of 5 rompers for $14, the other gift sets consisting of hanky and socks and 4 rompers for $20 inclusive of postage... Hmmm...
Oh ya...Got this Romper Extender for Raphael too... to see if it can help extend the lifespan of a few rompers on hand...
Gmarket >>> 500GB Portable HDD!!!
Finally I bought a portable HDD for myself!! Yes!! To store data and photos from my office PC... Need to transfer them back home ya to prepare for my long long maternity leave!!
Not a super chio portable HDD but i can say its very value for money!! Got it for $78 inclusive of courier to my doorstep within 2 days!! Not bad!!! so far so good!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Third Trimester >>> 28 weeks!!!
How your baby's growing:
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
How your life's changing:
You're in the home stretch! The third and final trimester starts this week. If you're like most women, you'll gain about 11 pounds this trimester.
At this point, you'll likely visit your doctor or midwife every two weeks. Then, at 36 weeks, you'll switch to weekly visits. Depending on your risk factors, your practitioner may recommend repeating blood tests for HIV and syphilis now, as well as doing cultures for chlamydia and gonorrhea, to be certain of your status before delivery. Also, if your glucose screening test result was high and you haven't yet had follow-up testing, you'll soon be given the 3-hour glucose tolerance test. And if the blood work done at your first prenatal visit showed that you're Rh negative, you'll get an injection of Rh immunoglobulin to prevent your body from developing antibodies that could attack your baby's blood. (If your baby is Rh positive, you'll receive another shot of Rh immunoglobulin after you give birth.)
Around this time, some women feel an unpleasant "creepy-crawly" sensation in their lower legs and an irresistible urge to move them while trying to relax or sleep. If this sensation is at least temporarily relieved when you move, you may have what's known as restless legs syndrome (RLS). No one knows for sure what causes RLS, but it's relatively common among expectant mothers. Try stretching or massaging your legs, and cut down on caffeine, which can make the symptoms worse. Ask your caregiver if you should try iron supplements, which can sometimes relieve RLS.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Day 16 - Raphael sooo sticky!!
"妈咪你不会丢下ah phael一个人在 ah ma家
带ah phael 去做工" ... Simple yet very meaningful to me... This is what Raphael told me before he went to dreamland tonite...and I assured him that tomorrow, I will be with him
He seems to have grown up and matured alot...and maybe he could feel that as Daddy is away, he needs to help me more... he even told me that he will protect me
Today counts down to the final day Daddy is returning and Raphael told me that he want to fetch Daddy at the airport... I told him to take a nap first and I will wake him up when time is up
So we went to the airport together with Benji's Parents and waited till 430am before Benji finally came out..Raphael was overjoyed and scream and shout for Daddy! Think he was separated for too long from Daddy liao... He keep saying he wanted to go inside find Daddy and why did Daddy took so long to come out..We explained to him that Daddy got to retrieved his luggage before he can come out...
Finally, Shrek is BACK! Raphael is BACK too... to his normal naughty boy's style!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Day 16 - Raphael is 30months old!
Wohooo Raphael turns 30months old today and officially 2.5years old!
Though many commented he look like 3-4YO, he is still a small child to me! Lol
Reached home to prepare to fetch him and my mum going to feed him porridge at 7pm... See it can be done just need to adjust the timing mah and he finished it wor!!
After that we set off to MRT!! On our way the grocery shop uncle who is famous for being stingy actually asked Raphael if he want to drink yakult!
Raphael replied "要 free 的 yakult!!" hehee and he got it for free... So he went happily shaking n drinking his "trophy"!
Then while walking to bus stop I told Raphael to remind me to buy ants poison when we reached vivo
The bet part is while I was at vivo... Abit distracted by the bird nest promotion and Raphael told me "Mummy 买蚂蚁的药!"
Okok I Admit I strayed from original plan heheee
So went giant and got what I want
When I got the stuff I asked phael whether he wants to walk around? He replied me "抱就好,phael phael 很累"...
Ok lor LL...
As I was paying he say we go home go
Kill those ants lol
He requested to go play the rides so since it's his day, allowed him to play awhile then we went off
I dunno why he seems to know where is OCK!
He suddenly tell me "mummy 都不会买curry puff给ah phael的!!"
So I say okok we go Q lor... Then his eyes lit up and say yeah
End up we found a seat and he happily eat the puff... Then satisfied and we head back home lor!!
Can feel he is tired lor as whole day didn't sleep but if I took a cab home he will not be able to shop n walk around mah...
Reached home and told him not to run as I want to see whether any ants!! He obeyed and walk with me!!
We bathe together as usual and he got a pkt of Milo and guess what he told me when his Milo is finishing "要喝完了 mummy不要偷喝啊!"
Hehee of coz
I didn't else wait he will say I finished n asked for new pkt! Wahahaaa know his pattern Liao
Yawn late night and we slot around 1230+ for him and me close to 1+am after doing laundry
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Day 15 - Colony of Ants found!
This morning found a big army of ants...marching from balcony all the way to the kitchen..like a stretch of black troops...Wah got a real shock to see this black stretch early in the morning!! Left with 5-10mins before brandon come fetch us so chope chope spray insecticide and clean up the murder scene! Min got at least 500ants Ba!
They seems to b shifting house leh and migrating over! Must step up on the ants poison Liao
I hate to see such creatures in my house!
After work, reach home to see Raphael sitting at the pouch waiting for me... Been 2 consecutive days he sitting there to wait and is heart warming to hear him shout mummy and jump into my arms!!
Decided to stay overnight and get a better rest
Raphael is so cute when he saw my mum playing his iPhone and he ask 喂为什么偷我的电话?
Damn cute! Possesive also
He is still missing Shrek, the Daddy!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Day 14 - Final countdown to Benji Return!
It was raining heavily at 3am and I woke up to close the windows and thought to myself.. I am lucky to have Brandon to come ferry us in the morning! Thank Goodness..
As usual he come to ferry us at around 620am and we reached BM at around 645am...
Tomolo will be the last day he is ferrying us as they will be going Malacca for a short break!
Tonight I felt extremely stress up and upset over my mum who is so stubborn and refused to help me by feeding his milk earlier so that dinner aka porridge can be feed earlier!!
She insisted I bring home to feed and this add on more load to existing diaper bag and not forgetting Raphael weight for me to carry!
Does she think that Raphael is light or I am not pregnant??
The worst was when she always delays by saying Raphael dun wan to change diaper or shorts or whatsoever?
Ask her to go over stay a few days when ben is away she say too far and no food!
But she offer to go home with me and yet every early morning want me to go down BM!! Then wat is the point? Luckily ben be back soon...
I see the way she feed chocolates n biscuits before his main meal also another thing... She expect him to be able to eat a meal after all these!! Told her the doctor fee is not cheap and whenever he is sick I spend average $200!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Day 13 - JG and dinner at MIL place
Started our day late and we woke up around 9am and Raphael close to 1045!!
Quickly dress him up and off we go to JG! Yeah! Took a cab and cost us $14!
Overall I still have around $90 budgets for remaining 4 days when Daddy is on reservist!
Hmmm... Got to plan my journey well lor! Must say that it was very hectic without Benji around and my weight didn't increase as much as when he is around! Hahaaa that explain why I don't look like 7mths pregnant as most pple say Ba! Hahaaaa
It's so fast and I am now into 27th week and less than 13 weeks more to go!
Can't wait to be on long long leave! Yippie!!
In class Raphael is so cute...there is this part whereby the teacher sings "Twinkle Twinkle little stars" and Raphael lie on the floor and didnt move..till the song ended, he immediately jumps up and run to me!
After Lessons we tabao some roti prata home and had our lunch at BM.
Brandon came to fetch us at around 4pm and we were again amazed by how much our Caleb can shit!! hahahaaa
2 BIG Plastic bag ok!! My mum was stunned seeing the mess as previously I told her Caleb can shit alot and she thought I was exaggerating! hahahaa...
There was this part during the evening which I find Raphael is starting to be a BIG BROTHER!
He insisted to go in to see Caleb Sleeping while nobody is in the room... So when we went in, he saw Caleb in air con room and with top and diaper on ONLY... So he tell me, 没有穿裤,穿pampers, 没有 Blanket ah? 冷冷!!
He signal me to take a blanket to cover as I think his brotherly instinct tell him that Caleb may feel cold! So sweet of him!!
Then when nobody is in the room and Raphael hear crying sound..He will tell me, Caleb 哭哭 and wanted to go in to check...
At around 845pm, Raphael must be feeling tired as he told me he want to go home to sleep... I thought he just want to go back and play his toys... So off we went home...
Never do I know, after wiping him and changing his clothings and feeding milk..He FELL ASLEEP...Leaving me ALL ALONE!!
I felt so so empty and alone with him asleep beside me... haiz... So went to upload pictures and watch TV while he is slping away... haiz
Oh ya...Lai Ping passed me a big bag of herbal bath which can be used to bathe myself during confinement and I am going to try it!! Better than cannot bathe right? heheee Thanks SIL!